Discovery Station

Reach out to us via phone, text, email, or our convenient online form to check availability. Planning your party in advance and booking early will enhance your chances of securing the animals you want for your special event.

Discovery Station

Our Discovery Stations are a hit among younger kids, from 3 years to 12 years old. Choose 2, 3 or 4 stations for your party. Each station has a different discovery activity. We have a Lego station, a Hot wheels Station, a Marble Run Station (with Duplo Legos), and a Domino Rally Station.

If you have younger children we suggest our Marble Run Station and Hot wheels Station. Older Children love the challenge of the Domino Rally Station (especially Girls). Our Lego station comes with over 50lbs of legos from various sets to keep any age busy.

Pricing varies depending upon how many stations you want. Our minimum: 2 stations for 2 hours. Call for pricing and availability.

Reach out to us via phone, text, email, or our convenient online form to check availability. Planning your party in advance and booking early will enhance your chances of securing the animals you want for your special event.

Discovery Station

Our Discovery Stations are a hit among younger kids, from 3 years to 12 years old. Choose 2, 3 or 4 stations for your party. Each station has a different discovery activity. We have a Lego station, a Hot wheels Station, a Marble Run Station (with Duplo Legos), and a Domino Rally Station.

If you have younger children we suggest our Marble Run Station and Hot wheels Station. Older Children love the challenge of the Domino Rally Station (especially Girls). Our Lego station comes with over 50lbs of legos from various sets to keep any age busy.

Pricing varies depending upon how many stations you want. Our minimum: 2 stations for 2 hours. Call for pricing and availability.

We are here to help you

Check availability by phone, text, email or online form. Planning the party ahead and booking early increases chances of availability.

Contact Our office fairies for a booking

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