Video Games

Reach out to us via phone, text, email, or our convenient online form to check availability. Planning your party in advance and booking early will enhance your chances of securing the animals you want for your special event.

Video Games

Our Highly Popular Video Game Wall is a hit for boys and girls alike! We have 2, 40″ TV’s and 1, 60″ large screen TV. With over 11,000 games to choose from in our three different game stations, your kids will be able to play throughout the entire party without getting bored.

Station one is the arcade station, with 1,000 arcade games like Street Fighter, flying games, strategy games, and classic games like Centipede.

Station Two, is our New Games Station, where we have game passes that give us access to all of the new game titles on the latest consoles.

Our third station is our Movement Station, with thousands of titles to get our guest dancing and moving to some beat. We have a variety of components for the Movement Station like light sabers, steering wheels, dance pads, drums, guitars, and microphones to play all types of games.

Our setup and tear down both take about 30 minutes. Attendants are included price to manage your guests and make sure that everyone can get the chance to play in an orderly manner. 

Reach out to us via phone, text, email, or our convenient online form to check availability. Planning your party in advance and booking early will enhance your chances of securing the animals you want for your special event.

Video Games

Our Highly Popular Video Game Wall is a hit for boys and girls alike! We have 2, 40″ TV’s and 1, 60″ large screen TV. With over 11,000 games to choose from in our three different game stations, your kids will be able to play throughout the entire party without getting bored.

Station one is the arcade station, with 1,000 arcade games like Street Fighter, flying games, strategy games, and classic games like Centipede.

Station Two, is our New Games Station, where we have game passes that give us access to all of the new game titles on the latest consoles.

Our third station is our Movement Station, with thousands of titles to get our guest dancing and moving to some beat. We have a variety of components for the Movement Station like light sabers, steering wheels, dance pads, drums, guitars, and microphones to play all types of games.

Our setup and tear down both take about 30 minutes. Attendants are included price to manage your guests and make sure that everyone can get the chance to play in an orderly manner. 

We are here to help you

Check availability by phone, text, email or online form. Planning the party ahead and booking early increases chances of availability.

Contact Our office fairies for a booking

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